Update 12th February 2017 |
Almost a year has gone by. I'm part way through a Certificate IV in Information Technology at Boxhill TAFE. I have had 2 hospital stays
due to medication choices that did not work out. And the layout has kept me active and has slowly been worked on.
I'll start with the latest efforts. Daboola is the top station of the line, with the upper staging the next stop. Up untill now it has just been a passingloop. January 2017,Australia day in fact saw one of my friend's come over, Paul Gallacher He rattled on his usual likes and encouraged me to start the Daboola station by buying 3 points. That did get me inspired, so work started. Slowly I replanned it and started work. First thing was buying, gluing down cork and painting it. Trackwise I started at the Up end. I started with 3 road and got to the removeable module. There I stopped as I needed more points than I had. So I made 4 righthand points, built to the same design as the Peco code 83 no 6 point. 2 were used as a crossover from 3 to 4 road, the other 2 used for 4/5/6 road at the up end. Laid the points at the down end and completed the 3 road, then started 4 road. That's been done as well. And just enough track left over to do the headshunt at the down end. I have the points to do the rest of the main station. just need track, and will wait until it can be afforded. |
Attention turns to wiring it. At the moment there is two boards at each end. I have to ask myself do I want to centralise it or keep them split? |
Ok Daboola done lets have a look at Eyeseeh (I pronounce it I C H after my youngest brother).
This staion is electrically and track done. No local panel. Mainline points are DCC controlled, and all others are locally controlled witha point switch int he facia.
It has a container terminal ( inspired by Boman near Wagga Wagga) A goods shed, a Grain silo and a small station halt. I also has a oil siding as well.
This station is NSW inspired with NSW structures. It is a junction station and is at the base of the long clib between levals. One side has Broughton, the other hasJJ loop and the branch to Kirstailia, the continous run. This was completed October 2017. |
Graceton has not really been touched. There are some points to resolder the tiebars for some of the up end mainline points. | ||
Broughton also has the start of it's loco facilities. One side will be steam based with a 5 stall roundhouse, the other side is more modern for the diesels. This is the side with trackwork done, wired but no pointmotors. That is to come. This was done January and late December. |
Just a photo of the Cement silo with S309 and T367, Warren Loop. The locos will soon pull the train out and shunt it into 2 road, then run around to then head off on a UP cement. |