Update 4th August 2017 Three years since I last wrote a update and have I done anything at all ? Not a lot really. I have One DCC Na, and another DCC&Sound. Have some NQR's and kits to build. |
You can assume I have started work on them and you are right. Module 1, the 1st ladder module has been progressed, it is on legs. One wooden crossmember broke and was replaced. Those legs were a pain, I made them to wide, too narrow, so rebuilt the 1st set 4 times before I got it right. The 2nd went together a lot quicker. |
the second ladder was brought in. It is the wider part of the original extension ladder, so had tor emember that si I could ensure it connects. My plan is for the 2nd module to have 2 legs down the other end only, so 2 modules have 6 legs. The 3rd leg set was made and fitted with only one redo !! I then made the end crossmembers which I strengthened at the ends, as I did the first module as well. I fitted the legs and to connect the modules I clamped and screwed then together for now. Next were the three middle crossmembers - and both modules are at the same state. Next was some shoddy metalwork, where I got some aluminium rectangulare bars, cut them into small sections, drilled 4 mounting holes through them. next I drilled one bolthole in one. Next I secured one with a hole and one without on one side - then drilled though the one with the hole into the wood and through the other metal one - this should ensure the bolot holds exactly. A bolt and wingnut completed the system, then I did the other side. Finally removed the temporary screws. |
The next thing was to roll over the paper plan I had, to again see it after a few years, and to see how it looked on the modules. Looks good and the next two modules ar eore than enough to complete the station, and start their curves tot he staging yards. The stagingyards are to be four tracks wide, no bigger. One distressing event while doing the 2nd joiner I sent One NA and 3 NQR's to the ground off the mantleplace. GRRRR !! Put the bits in a box and put it out of sight, damage done. So, what is next ? Well financially I will wait before I aquire another ladder, when I find one at the lowest price. then I'll remove module 2 , flip module 1 then build the third from the opposite end. Then I can determine if there will be a 4th module straight, or to be built at 90%. Let's hope the next update is less than 3 years away !!! |