Planning a On30 Railway
The NRT1.

This page highlights the NRT1 project.

AIM: To make a model of the NRT1 rail tractor in On30.

Entries are from oldest to newest....

The NRT1 was, I think PBR's first non steam "loco". It is basically a Rail tractor for
2ft 6inch narrow gauge, more related to a RT tractor shunter on the broad gauge. Because this is based at Emerald it is a must have.

Another shapeways purchase, it will be a good scenic addition. I will be painted as shown.
AUGUST 2014:
The NRT1 is a small loco for On30 and a mechanism needs to be small, to fit. At the moment I am considering a Steam Era Model mono beatle, as a regulate black beetle sits the loco too high. The mono beatle means only one wheel will be powered, and will dramatically reduce it's pulling power. So there will be a lot of weight on that wheel, a DCC decoder of course needs to be fitted.

The other major work to do is the front handrail. It is wrong and too thick. Before I cut it off I willhave to make a replacement, and only when that is done and is acceptable will I cut the old off.


Page written & maintained by David Head.