Planning a new train room
Plan 9 - Real progress - January 2011

This is the third 'progress' plan as I construct the room. It IS different to plan 8.

This plan has changed in many areas.
  • A - The continous loop connectionwhich heads direct back to the main station.
  • B - Lower return loop staging entry/exit to modelled layout.
  • C - MAIN STATION, this is the biggest station on the layout.
  • D - Big Inmposing bridge.
  • E - The smallest mainline station. The station generates alot of intermodel traffic
  • F - A juntion for the continuous loop connection back to "A"
  • G - Passing loop
  • H - Industrial/Mine spur. a future enhancement project.
  • i - Transition to Upper level.
  • J - Indistry/cement siding /Loop.
  • K - Junction to garage shed. Definately not to be made, but this is where it would come in.
  • L - A busy station, but not that big. The passing loop is at one end of the station. This is the first station laid with track
  • M - The second biggest station on the layout, a 6 track yard.
  • N - Turning triangle,Oil siding and loco area for M. Also junction to Stub ended staging in "O".
  • O - Stub ended staging representing a branchline
  • P - Alternitive is a single passing staging that then crosses the stairs to connect to the 3 fold layout - a future enhancement project !
  • Q - Transision to the Upper return loop staging, end of modelled layout.
  • R - Upper return loop staging proper. there is a long stub ended siding for the XPT.

Station "N" has all it's track laid, and the mainline has almost reached "O" .

Design wise it is close to plan 7, with little to say really. Easy to see how it is changing as I actually construct it. And it may still all change as I continue.

There are no proper plans for the layout. Bacause the plan is changing as I go, these 'very rough' pictures reflect the ideas I have for the room. Benchwork is more or less as shown. The track laid is locked in for now. The main things to change will be track layout in some stations.

Lots to do lots to think about.
Below is a power district concept. Each district number equals a booster district. Yet there are a few areads withing the booster district - so I can isolate a station/area from DCC power. The point accessorys run directly from the command station as it own specuial district. This is not set in stone yet !

This shetch show roughly which areas would be seperate lighting switches. I have not shown the original lighting which is for general use when layout is not operating.


Page written & maintained by David Head.