Planning a new train room
Plan 6b - Febuary 2002

This could be the plan !

This is the second revision to Plan 6.

This is the second alteration. And it is, I'm happy to report the result of physical work in the trainroom.

Where this plan has changed is around the Concrete Stump near "H". this area has been daylighted and will be a part of the main room.

the lower stagin loop remains, and now is partially daylighted at a critical point (where the track from "F" comes in forming the continuous connection). - this is good operationally (hand upp the "hate hidden trackage club"?) and make construction better.

The Mine at "H" is simplified, and makes for better scenic treatment.

The Upper level benifits as well, extending the station "K" in a straight line. I took the loco depot and placed it closer to the station. I then took the branch under the main to service the oil indistry "L" before headin to the terminus at "M"

Now to some detail on the plan.
  • A - Lower return loop staging
  • B - MAIN STATION, this is the biggest station on the layout.
  • C - 3 track stub ended staging
  • D - A Oil depot just out of "E".
  • E - The smallest mainline station. The station generates alot of intermodel traffic
  • F - Continuous loop connection back to "A"
  • G - Passing loop
  • H - Industrial/Mine spur.
  • i - Grain siding /Loop.
  • J - A busy station, but not that big. The passing loop is at one end of the station.
  • K - The second biggest station on the layout, still being a 4 track yard.
  • L - Oil siding.
  • M - A small branch terminus station.
  • N - Passing loop
  • O - Upper return loop staging


Stage 1
  • It will start with the lower staging as far as "B".
  • The track from "B", then to "C" would be built
  • The track from "B", then to "E" would be built
  • The continuous track back to "A", via "F" would be built.
Stage 2
  • The track to "J" would be built
  • The track to "K" would be built
  • The track from "K" to "N" would be built
  • The track from "K" to "M" would be built
Stage 3
  • The track from "K" to "N" would be built
  • From "N" the upper staging will be built
At the end of each stage the layout is fully operable and challanging. As you can see there will be many opportunites to operate before the whole railway is finished. Remember the plan does show a completed station layout. most likely the mainline track will go through first, followed by a loop, then as time goes on, the station will grow.

Images of Plans
Mid Res
Hi Res
These plans are "artist's impressions" of the actual plan. They are not scale. I still use paper, pen and a weird colour legend for my plans, so these plans were shot with a digital camera, ported into Paint Shop Pro 3 & 5 and drawn on etc. So they are not scale !

Plan description.

The layout starts in the sunroom (left hand room on plan). The lower staging yards "A" are a reverse loop with two single sidings - one for a railmotor, the other for the XPT. There are 6 tracks on the reverse loop. This section is built at the lowest point on the railway. It has to pass through a hole in the brick wall to the sun room. here

The mainline enters the scenic portion in the sun room at the siding door end. The track is immediatly into "B", as the lagest station on the railway.At the other end of "B" is a branch to the stub ended staging "C", just through the doorway.

The begins a up grade,heading into the main room via the doorway. It transverses the peninsular by passing aoil spur "D". The station "E" is reached and we come to a junction at the other end that will eventually lead back to "A". This track is now over the stub ended "C" staging.

The mainline slowly climbs to "G" (to allow the upper deck enough clearance), There is a junction here to the Mine at "H". The line heads under the stairs and though a hole in the wall back into the sun room, now well above "B".

the line climbs to "i" - a grain siding that can employ a dedicated shunter.The mainline curves into the main room into "J".

"J" has it's passing loop out of town as the line rises again.

The manline eases into "K". "K" is easily the second busiest station on the line. There is alot of shunting in the yard.

As we leave "K" we see the branch to "M" leave on a tighter radius. The branch then heads up grade and curves into the Sunroom through a hole and right into the terminus "M"

The mainline meanwhile rises and heads back into the sunroom through another hole in the wall. The line now heads up with only the passing loop at "N" before we reach the start of the upper staging at "O"


Page written & maintained by David Head.