Influence. I have many inspirations for this railway. From EMRC to a friend's Caravan based railway that really showed what can be done. Even DVR a miniature railway has an influence. The exhibition railway "Somerton" and "Murranbilla" both which I have helped building and operating as well. All the usual influences are there, the real scene, the magazines ( both AMRM and Model Railroader) and the many visited layouts I have had the privilege to see.
The Room The railway will be constructed in the space under my house, guess it is almost a basement as it runs ¾ the way under all the house. In addition I have a good sized garage outside near this room. As you can see in the rough plan the space is not without it's obstacles. There are the problems of the laundry, the brick walls, some load bearing stumps/columns and the various levels, not to mention the head clearance. 26/4/2002: The Laundry Wall has gone, leving a earth bank and more room ! As with any plan the consideration of the room is a initial factor no matter what railway eventually develops. Well the room has carpet, is walled in and mainly sealed from the rest of the house. Stairs lead up to the main living section, and there is a sliding door at the rear.
So what am I doing about the room ?
The room should be okay for building in after that. Basic design goals for room:
Operations What do I want to do with this railway, run trains or operate, or a combination ? Well I do wish to operate this railway. But I do have to consider single operation, or various degrees of other operators assisting. And because I enjoys computers, electronics and computer will have an influence of operation to some degree. Before someone says having a computer on your railway takes the fun out because it runs the railway - I disagree. It is true Automation can make a railway unappealing to a operator who likes to run the trains. I see the computers as a tool:
The layout description that I may wish to build: ![]() LAYOUT: To be a single track mainline with reverse loops at each end that act as staging for the rest of world. There may be one or more branches off the mainline. I might have a narrow gauge (VR style) feeder from one of the stations. The layout will be a double deck layout. I would have at least three-four stations on the mainline, each different and performing a different role. I may build in a continuous loop section of track but would not normally use it. Mainline - Single line no major route branches . Most station may have a passing loop, but many passing loops will be locations in their own right. Most passing loops may be between stations and staging but will vary. The line connecting upper and lower levels would have at least two unsceniced passing loops. If a helix is used the helix would be double track, yet each end would com out in a single line.... |