Planning a new train room ........ 14th year and still "under construction"

Back to David Head's Websites.

Next working bee is: 3rd Wednesday,
Oct 2017, 7.45pm start - Status:
ON !
LEFT: The room before the work started........
RIGHT: First train runs on the layout 2nd May 2006.
Latest: 18 October 2017
Recent: 20 September 2017
Layout Design
Visiting the railway
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Movies of the layout
My railway's setting
Riding the railway (fiction)
In context: Aussie History
Input from readers
My DCC system
Demos, hints, tips & Tutorials
Who Helped me build this Railway - Thanks !
Items for sale
My layout Wiki entry on the Layout Design SIG

I finally have the space for a model railway. Is it now time to stopdreaming of having a big model railway to dreaming what to do. But what do I want, what is possible, will it last, will it pass the test of timein operations ?

I'd suggest for the reader who has some time, and hasn't visited this site, to read the Layout Design, then read the updates, oldest to the most recent. Have a look at the other topics, then take a look at the plans...

Because this layout is slowly under construction, you are seeing all the blow by blow photos, and as ther layout progresses I have added photos and youtube videos.

This is a lifetime project. Visitors are most welcome !

I live in the Northeastern Suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

The layout at a glance (as proposed)

  • Name of Railroad: The Medbury Line.
  • Scale: HO (1:87)
  • Size of Layout: 32 x 21 Feet.
  • Prototype: South Eastern Australian - broad and/or standard gauge.
  • Period/era: Modern back untill 1950's.
  • Layout Style:Double deck, Around the Walls.
  • Layout Height: Not decided yet.
  • Benchwork: Open Grid.
  • Roadbed: 12mm Ply track base, cork etc.
  • Track: Some handlayed code 80, some commercial code 100 for staging yards. The rest code 83 wooden & concrete sleepers.
  • Length of mainline run: Not determined yet.
  • Turnout(Point) minimum: no 6., though most points will be no.7
  • Minimum curve radii: 30 inches. Preferred radius 36 inches.
  • Maximum grade: 1:45
  • Scenery construction: All forms but lean towards Styrofoam, as little plaster as possible.
  • Control: DCC control (NCE radio based) with Decoder Pro for loco configuration, and some form of computer control for signal & points.
  • Starting Date: 2001
  • Completion Date: TBA (2020 !)

There is alot of useful information out on the Internet. Here are a few sites that I identify as being useful, for planning and inspiration.
Contruction style links :


Page written & maintained by David Head.