18/4/06 Tuesday night I determined the final position of Ninamanima length wise. Changed some wiring to suit and did more wiring. 23/4/06 "Spiked" crossover between main and platform roads, removed BEMOs and hard wired crossings to normal. 24/4/06 Bought 5 more low profile flouros at Nightingale. 25/4/06 Started to sort out BEMO wiring, operated all 4 remaining, the change-over contacts are working ok. 2/5/06 No work on weekend due to rally. Tuesday night I got Bemos working through switches, one spins which didn't happen previously according to last note. 3/5/06 Wednesday night I fixed the spinning Bemo and made the wiring for Ninamanima permanent. 6/5/06 Saturday night I tried to fix track power on Ninamanima loco road, didn't work. 7/5/06 Sunday I fixed loco road electrical problem. Added joist to Ninamanima. Extended roadbed at down end. Installed spline for branch line. Started filling gaps in tracks where yard shortened. Mark |