Lagrange Logs - by Mels & dthead .

This is written as a introduction to La Grange railway history by a outsider based on many sources of information.
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La Grange Trains

La Grange for most of it's history was served by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad - the L&N. 1850 - the year the railway came to Lagrange was a big year. Louisville and Frankfort Railroad was the first to come.

From reading the various website I suspect this line was broad gauge originally, and was converted during the Civil war as the area was a battle ground for both sides. Railways proved their worth in that conflict. After the Civil War standard gauge won out as the importance to move equipment was recognised - multi gauges, transfer was a huge lotistics obsticle.

The L&N purchased its first diesel in 1939, retired its last steam locomotive in 1957.

The L&N was majority owned by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, which became the Seaboard Coast Line. It in turn formed The Chessie System that became CSX.

Links and Sources of information:
  • The people of Lagrange on chat at Virtual Raiulfan
  • wikipedia