Lagrange Logs - by Mels & dthead .

4 way Stop sign Intersections

The main intersection fasinates people, and not just for the trains. the actual intersection with it's 4 way stop signs on each leg puzzles the world. So this is a very brief explaination.
  • First off google "4 way stop sign intersection"
  • For Kentucky, the state La Grange is in specifically this will be of interest .
  • Remember the pedestrian crossing the people have right of way so all cars stop as required - regarless as to who goes first.
  • We do note many cars not stopping, or doing a rolling stop. Seems to be related to how many cars are at the intersection and time of day/night. On chat we sometimes comment but let the local police look after that. Not our job.
  • "Why not put in Traffic Lights" is another question that comes up from time to time. Lights are always expensive. But because they would have to interact with the railway system - that makes them hugely expensive as signalling is very expensive. Far easied for now as it is. The intersection up the toad now has Traffic ights. Traffic lights may make it worse if driver stops with a train comming. we too many sideswipes. A painted clearance line was in place before they redid the track, never put back. too many driver stop, freeze & be too close to the rails. Some stop even if they were to go right and get out the way.

    They could also lengthen the activation time, ie lower the gates far far ealier to stop traffic before we see the train. Trouble is the road lobby want as little time so there goes safety to what we have today. Still a expense to set up the extra track circuits/equipment to do it.
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